Watch out for DECEPTIVE mailer from IID vendor Lifesafer
Do not be fooled by the deceptive mailers being sent out by Ignition Interlock vendor Lifesafer. The mailers are intended to mimic real court filings and fool people who have been recently arrested for DWI into thinking they must contact Lifesafer for an Ignition Interlock Device (IID).
The truth is that some people do need to install an IID after being arrested for DWI, but that information would be included in bond paperwork, NOT in a mailer sent by the company who installs the devices. You would also have a choice of 6 different IID vendors, a point that Lifesafer puts into small print at the bottom of the page.
The mailer suggests “IMMEDIATE ACTION” to avoid having your DL revoked. It suggests you request a hearing with DPS within 15 days. This is a reference to an ALR hearing, and while it is a good thing to request your ALR hearing, this mailer gives no instructions on how to do so, nor is the company associated with DPS in any way. It also instructs the reader to request a restricted driver’s license during the hearing. This is simply not possible. Although you can request an Occupational Driver’s License (ODL), there’s no way to do this at your ALR hearing.

It also instructs the reader to obtain an SR-22 Certificate. This may be needed later when applying for the ODL, but it’s not something to be concerned about until then. It also states that the reader should complete a “DUI Program”, but again gives no instructions on how to do so.
The main point of the mailer is number four where it encourages the reader to scan the QR code to sign up for an interlock device. Of course the QR code directs you straight to Lifesafer’s site. It’s truly shameful and predatory.
If you have been arrested for a DWI and receive one of these mailers, you can safely ignore it. If you have been ordered by a court to install an IID, I would avoid Lifesafer, as this mailer is an indication of their ethics – or lack thereof.
If you have an attorney, the best thing to do is to ask him or her about your DL, the ALR hearing, and your ODL. If you don’t have an attorney yet, you can have these questions answered in a free consultation. Do not be fooled by the deceptive and predatory mailers, designed to trap those who are unfamiliar with the court process.
This blog is for educational purposes only, but if you would like advice on your specific issues, fill out a contact form at or call 512-677-5003.